- Partnering to ONE WORLD Citizens for organizing the third Summer Camp "We Grow Together".
- Partner to the Give Them Education and Toys, Let Their Revolution Bring Joy, Duzce, Turkey, Erasmus+, 2023-3-TR01-KA152-YOU-000177690 (17-24.04.)
- Partner to the TOWARDS A EUROPE OF SKILLS, Nea Kalikratia, Greece, Erasmus+, 2023-1-EL02-KA152-YOU-000147004 (28.02-09.03.)
- Partner to the Time to Re-Up Cycle, Grunheide, Germany, Erasmus+, 2022-3-DE04-KA152-YOU-000100758 (09-15.01.)
- Renewing YOUNGO membership
- Starting the Social Impact Award (SIA) program in Bulgaria
- Starting the "Connecting Communities: Empowerment and Civic Engagement in Remote European Regions" project, CERV, Porteus, Sofia Platform.
- Becoming member of the National Youth Forum (Bulgaria)
- Signing the Madrid Agreement
- Partner to the Water is Life. Treat it Right!, Istanbul, Turkey, Erasmus+, 2023-2-TR01-KA152-YOU-000168688 (14-21.11.)
- Partner to the Keep the Lake, Before it is Too Late, Isparta, Turkey, Erasmus+, 2023-2-TR01-KA152-YOU-000167844 (05-12.11.)
- Partner to the Start Your Action to Stop Desertification, Konya, Turkey, Erasmus+, 2023-3-TR01-KA152-YOU-000173961 (16-24.10.)
- Partner to the Natural Disasters Appear. When the Measures Disappear!, Kastamonu, Turkey, Erasmus+, 2023-2-TR01-KA152-YOU-000167795 (08-15.10.)
- Partner to the A Mosaic of Relationships, Valea Verde – Alba, Romania, Erasmus+, 2024-1-RO01-KA151-YOU-00219686 (10-19.09.)
- Organizing interview with Dr. Robert Vautard, leading IPCC scientist during 61-st IPCC Session in Sofia (Link to the interview: https://youtu.be/OtlIx5wfmyc?si=L2g1UxxLfGGqPg9B)
- Organizing two weeks long photo exhibition "Voices of Nature" in Sofia.
- Starting the "Voices of Nature" (Sofia Municipality) project for creating eco photo exhibition and workshops Climate Fresk for members of the deaf community in Sofia.
- Starting the "Eco Smiles" (Sofia Municipality) project for creating recycling videos and workshops Climate Fresk.
- Participating in Hello Space 4.0 fair
- Partner to the A Mosaic of Relationships, Valea Verde, Romania, Erasmus+, 2024-1-RO01-KA151-YOU-000219686 (10-19.09.)
- Attending the Climate Reality Leadership Corps in Rome organized by Al Gore and Climate Reality.
- Signing the "Civil Society, businesses, cities, and regions urge EU leaders to prioritise a socially fair and green climate transition in the Strategic Agenda " open letter
- Signing the "Urge the OECD to elevate the voice of global civil society, implement the OECD Guidelines" letter
- Partnering to ONE WORLD Citizens for organizing the second Summer Camp "We Grow Together".
- Becoming member of OECD Watch
- Becoming part of the Scaling Readiness "Future Forward" program of Reach for Change.
- Signing the Call for the adoption of an additional Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights on the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment
- Partner to the Bio Food. Taking health into my own hands, Międzybrodzie Bialskie, Poland, Erasmus+, 2023-3-PL01-KA152-YOU-000175416
- Partner to the Green Tourism Tour by Bike, La Rochelle, France, Erasmus+
- Partner to the Greenhouse e-Mission, Katowice, Poland, Erasmus+, 2023-TR01-KA152-YOU-28325C40 (TBA)
- Partner to the Making the utopia a reality - Active for a living planet, Greece, Erasmus+, 2023-TR01-KA152-YOU-807706B7 (07-12.04.)
- Partner to the CLOSER II, Greece, Erasmus+, 2023-TR01-KA152-YOU-70C0D264 (19 - 23.04.)
- Partner to the YOUTH CARE4CLIMATE, Murska Sobota, Slovenia, Erasmus+, 2022-3-SI02-KA152-YOU-000093952 (15 - 23.03.)
- Becoming member of the National Civil Society Development Council.
- Partner to the Every Drop Matters, Antalya, Turkey, Erasmus+, 2022-3-TR01-KA152-YOU-000093201 (05-12.10.)
- Partner to the Sustain Your Energy in Sustainable Way, Denizli, Turkey, Erasmus+, 2022-3-TR01-KA152-YOU-000092962 (25.10.-01.11.)
- Partner to the Don't Be Mean. Keep Air Clean! project, Duzce, Turkey, Erasmus+, 2022-3-TR01-KA152-YOU-000092937 (01-08.09.)
- ManEco Foundation becomes one of the members of the right to a #HealthyEnvironmentForAll Coalition that has won the United Nations #HumanRights Award 2023.
- Becoming partner to the project "Youth in Transition" aiming to create online educational platform from youth from coal regions.
- Partnering to ONE WORLD Citizens for organizing the Summer Camp "We Grow Together".
- Starting the "Active Green Europe" (Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021) project for educating 300 individuals and creating a regional partnership network in Bulgaria.
- Starting the "Youth 4 Green Transition" (EUTeens4Green) project for 300 youth form SW coal region of Bulgaria.
- Starting the "Eco Youth" (National Trust Ecofund) project for 51 workshops Climate Fresk nationwide.
- Organizing the Climate Fresks in Varna, a week long event with 13 workshops, online seminars and meetings.
- Signing the Climate Education Coalition Open Letter to the COP28 UAE Presidency
- Partner to the Exchange of Practices. Youth & Sustainable Tourism project, La Rochelle, France, Erasmus+, 2020-1-FR02-KA150-YOU-019075 (25-29.01.)
- Becoming partners with SUN Export
- Entering the Beyond Pre-Accelerator
- Sharing as Christmas gift the Panda Labs Junior 4 Just Transition Climate Change Game: Link
- Organizing Climate Fresk science based card game (05.12.) during the Regional Panda Labs Conference for the students participating in the Panda Labs Junior for Just Transition project organized by WWF Bulgaria and Junior Achievement Bulgaria.
- Participating at the “Higher revenue taxes - better health - more revenue in the treasury" round table at the National Assembly of Bulgaria;
- Partner to the Let's be Digital! Digital engagement methods for youth working! project, Avala, Serbia, Erasmus+, 2021-2-DE04-KA153-YOU-000040605 (08-16.11.)
- Organizing Climate Fresk science based card game (28.10); at Tryavna, Bulgaria and supportting local eco activities of Future World and "Serendipity" Foundation.
- Partner to the Take a Step Into Organic Life project, Beykoz, Erasmus+, 2022-1-TR01-KA152-YOU-000063373 (19-27.10.)
- Organizing Climate Fresk and Clean Air science based card game; "Breath of Fresh Air" program, "Play Climate Change" project.
- Signing the Collectif pour un Service Civique Européen Manifesto: Building Europe with and for Young People: a European Civic Service for all
- Starting the "Play Climate Change" (Bulgarian Women Fund) project for involving 90 participants in Climate Fresk workshops in Sofia.
- Assisting Junior Achievement Bulgaria for coordinating the Panda Labs Junior for Just Transition project in partnership with WWF Bulgara, Junior Achievement Macedonia, WWF Adria-Serbia, Eco Team Montenegro
- Partner to the Let's Be Bees project, Larissa, Erasmus+ 2021-2-EL02-KA152-YOU-000039667 (17-21.05.)
- Partner to the The Voice of Ergene River project, Edirne, Erasmus+ 2020-1-TR01-KA105-091405 (09-17.03.)
- Signing the Open Letter on the Environmental Dimensions of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Partner to the EmployAbility project, Luxemboug, Erasmus+ 2020-3-TR01-KA105-097420 (09-17.03.)
- Partner to the Perpetual Artistic Dimension project, Luxemboug, Erasmus+ 2020-3-LU01-KA105-078007 (09-17.02.)
- Partner to the Climate Action Leaders For Green Europe project, Istanbul, Turkey, Erasmus+ 2020-3-TR01-KA105-097420 (23.01 - 31.01.)
- Joining "The Next Generation of Civic Leaders" Initiative.
- Organizing The Role of Municipalities on the Topics of Equality and Environmental Justice workshop for staff of Haskovo, Madjarovo and Stambolovo municipalities.
- Signing the Global Call for the UN to Recognize the Right to a Healthy Environment
- Partner to the Green Goes Global project, Wolimierz, Poland, Erasmus+ 2019-1-PL01-KA105-064359 (31.08 -10 September)
- Partner to the Let Me Breathe In A Clean World project, Edrine, Turkey, Erasmus+ KA105, 2021 (23 -30 August)
- Partner to the Use Renewable Energy, Live Eco Friendly project, Rovigo, Italy, Erasmus+ KA105, 2021 (09-16 August)
- Partner to the Let's Play Together: Inclusion through childhood games project, Luxembourg, Erasmus+ KA105, 2021 (July)
- Partner to the All Different, All Equal project, Luxembourg, Erasmus+ 2019-3-LU01-KA105-063121 (17-25 June)
- Starting the "Equality And Climate Justice" (Bulgarian Women Fund) project for organizing 4 volunteering eco activities in Sofia.
- Presenting ManEco during the Equality and Climate change seminar organized by the Bulgarian Women Fund
- Supporting cleaning action organized by Gorata.bg
- Signing the Joint CSO statement to Public Development Banks on the occasion of the Finance in Common Summit
- Supporting the Call for Just and Green Economic Recovery for CEE Countries
- Signing the Global Call for the UN to Recognize the Right to a Healthy Environment
- Supporting the UNDP-UNEP-UNMGCY led Youth Voices for Nature Campaign and Youth & Nature Global Manifesto
- Supporting the WWF Bulgaria's Manifesto for Just and Green Economic Recovery of Bulgaria and Tackling post COVID-19 Crisis
- Screening of the They Say It Can't Be Done (World Future Society), Sofia, 25 June
- Taking part in the Project 1 Million Trees Planted by Volunteers, organized by The Green Team of Bulgaria and supported from the Bulgarian Platform for International Development, 20 June
- Release of the interview with Ms. Rebecca Meuninck, deputy director of the Ecology Center, Ann Arbor (MI) in "Dnevnik" newspaper about stopping the construction of Sofia incinerator
- Supporting the United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development (IANYD)'s statement on COVID-19 and Youth
- Organizing the Eco Photo Exhibition at the Faculty of Biology of Sofia University 02-16 March
- Screening of They Say It Can't Be Done (World Future Society) at Vlaykova cinema, Sofia, 28 Feb
- Organizing the Eco Photo Exhibition at "Vlaykova" Cinema 28.02.-02.03
- Second screening of Guardians of the Earth (Filip Malinowski) at Vlaykova cinema, Sofia, 22 Feb
- Organizing A Week of Action with series of raising awareness, networking and community organizing events 21-29 February
- Supporting the Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) to plead with Members of the European Parliament for an ambitious climate policy - ask MEPs to put a price on carbon pollution and to distribute the resulting revenue as a Climate Income to families (February)
- Joining the Open Letter Campaign for the Decade of Action on the SDGs
- Becoming Citizens’ Climate Lobby EU Chapter of Bulgaria
- Becoming strategic partner to Awake the Earth project of Réveil Citoyen France
- As part of the Youth4NDCs programme and the Youth Climate Scholarships attending COY15 and COP25
- Becoming fellow organization with the Ecology Center in Ann Arbor (MI) under the U.S. Department of State Professional Fellows Program (December)
- Becoming part of the Constituency-wide Open Working Group for UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration
- Signing the It’s Time to Stand Firm and Go Fossil Free letter to the EIB
- Publishing the Industrial Revolution and Global Warming: Historical Perspective at the ClimAct Magazine
- Organizing Eco Photo Exhibition for the "NIGHT" Festival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Becoming part of the Formal Youth Constituency on Environmental Governance and Conservation at UN Environment
- Endorsing the Toda Pacific Declaration on Climate Change, Conflict and Peace
- Attending the General Assembly of the Federation of Young European Greens in Istanbul, Turkey
- Participating to the U.S. State Department Professional Fellows Program (November - October)
- Partner to the Breath Clean, Live Green project, Manisa, Turkey Erasmus+ KA1, 2019-1-TR01-KA105-066356 (10-18 November)
- Partner to the Creating a Sustainable Life: Permaculture project, Mugla, Turkey, Erasmus+ KA1, 2019-1-TR01-KA105-066053 (25-31 October)
- Partner to the reLake IT! project, Burdur, Turkey, Erasmus+ KA1, 2019-1-TR01-KA105-070458 (15-22 October)
- Second edition of the Ecological Manifesto is published
- Publishing the Ecological Manifesto at the ClimAct Magazine
- Expressing Solidarity and Supporting the Youth Recommendations to G20 Environment Ministerial Meeting “Energy Transition and Global Environment toward Sustainable Growth” (June, 2019)
- Assisting Fridays For Future strikes in Sofia (May, 2019)
- Banner Drop in Sofia, along with Rome, Dresden, Mannheim, Paris, Bolzano and Brussels; initiative of the Federation of Young European Greens (May, 2019)
- Sending letter to the Minister of Environment and to the director of Vitosha Natural Park Directorate insisting on measures forbidding the use of single use plastic utensils on the territory of the park and calling for nature conservation signs to be placed
- Presentation of the Ecological Manifesto at the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY), October, Amsterdam
- Participating in Bottom Up Education Training 4 Trainers, project, Erasmus + KA2, Training in Istanbul, Turkey, October, Gaziantep Eğitim ve Gençlik Derneği
- Organizing Ecological Perspectives: Nanomaterials (International Online Conference, 20.12.2018)
- Assisting “Caps for Future” Charity Campaign, Sofia, 29 September (65 kg from ManEco, 25 tons in total)
- Organizing Guardians of the Earth (Filip Malinowski) screening at Vlaykova cinema, Sofia, 26 September
- the article Un "manifeste" pour une communication diplomatique écologique préventive is published in Hermès, n° 81, 2018, p. 110-114
- Applying for “Green Sofia” Program to the Municipality of Sofia (unsuccessfully)
- Becoming Administrator of the Youth Acts 4 SDG’s Connection Space Group
- Becoming Earth Charter Young Leader (ECYL)
- Partnering Eco Circle project, Erasmus + KA2, June, Bulgarian Agency for Sustainable Development; 2017-3-LV02-KA205-001893
- Attending “Austrian World Summit“, R20, May
- Becoming member of YOUNGO
- Participating in “Model United Nations Environment and Sustainable Development (MUNESD 2018)“, UN Simulation of COP21, UN hq, AEGEE Wienn, April
- Becoming Earth Charter Young Leader (ECYL)
- The informational page Ecological Manifesto is created
ManEco Foundation is established: April, 2018
- Partnering H.O.P.E. project, Erasmus + KA2, March, 2018, Bulgarian Agency for Sustainable Development where the H.O.P.E E-Book was created; 2017-1-UK01-KA204-036684
- Creating Petition for Reducing the Use of Plastic Shopping Bags in Bulgaria
- The Ecological Manifesto is published in Daily Times (Pakistan)
- Attending “Outreach Leaders“, EOTO World, Online Course, June – December
- Attending “Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics“, Earth Charter Initiative, International Program, Online Course, January – May
- Assisting “Caps for Future” Charity Campaign, Sofia, September (42 kg donated, 15 tons collected)
- Participating in “Multiple Diplomacies” Conference, University Matej Bel, Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, International Conference, Banska Bystrica, October. And presenting the article Ecological Diplomacy
- Attending ‘‘UNYSI’’, United Nations Youth Summer Institute, Iasi, July
- First public presentation of the Ecological Manifesto - “EUROMEC III”, Summer Doctoral School organized by Trinity College, Dublin, July
Writing of the Ecological Manifesto in Hue, Vietnam, April, 2017
Preparing the Ecological Manifesto in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amiens, France 2015/2016