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First Weekend of February: National Green Week
2 February: World Wetlands Day
27 February: International Polar Bear Day
3 March: World Wildlife Day
Second Friday of March: Solar Appreciation Day
14 March: International Day of Action for Rivers
18 March: Global Recycling Day
21 March: International Day of Forests
21 March: World Planting Day
21 March: World Wood Day
22 March: World Water Day
30 March: Zero Waste Day

18-22 April: Green Office Week
22 April: Since 1970 - History of the Earth Day
24 April: No Elevators Day
29 April: World Fish Migration Day
Third Friday in May: Endangered Species Day
22 May: World Biodiversity Day
23 May: World Turtle Day
24 May: European day of parks (Europarc)
Third Friday in May: Bike-to-Work Day
5 June: World Environment Day
Second Week of June: Bike Week
8 June: World Oceans Day
16 June: World Sea Turtle Day
17 June: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
20-26 June: Recycle Week
1-7 July: National Clean Beaches Week
29 July: International Tiger Day
10 August: World Lion Day
12 August: World Elephant Day
19 August: World Orangutan Day
22 August: National Honey Bee Day
First Week of September: Zero Waste Week
5 September: Amazon Day
16 September: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
15 September: World Cleanup Day
21 September: Zero Emissions Day
22 September: Car Free Day
22 September: World Rhino Day
24-30 September: Climate Diplomacy Week
25 September: Global Day to #Act4SDGs
26 September: World Environmental Health Day
Last Sunday in September: World Rivers Day
First Monday in October: World Habitat Day
4 October: World Animal Day
5 October: Energy Efficiency Day
Second Wednesday in October: International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
Fourth Wednesday of October: Sustainability Day
23 October: International Snow Leopard Day
24 October: International Day of Climate Action
6 November: International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
5 December: World Soil Day
11 December: International Mountain Day

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