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"There are no grey areas when it comes to survival... We have to wake up and change."


Greta Thunberg realized at a young age the lapse in what several climate experts were saying and in the actions that were being taken in society. The difference was so drastic in her opinion that she decided to take matters into her own hands. Greta is a 15-year-old Stockholm native who lives at home with her parents and sister Beata. She’s a 9th grader in Stockholm who enjoys spending her spare time riding Icelandic horses, spending time with her families two dogs, Moses and Roxy. She love animals and has a passion for books and science. At a young age, she became interested in the environment and convinced her family to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.  Learn more at

Dr. Katharine Wilkinson delivers a keynote address on Project Drawdown (, the the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming, at the opening ceremonies of the #GenerationSDG Summit.

Mark Z. Jacobson - Director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program and professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University—discussed technical and economic roadmaps to convert global energy infrastructure to 100% clean, renewable energy.

Nuclear power: the energy crisis has even die-hard environmentalists reconsidering it. In this first-ever TED debate, Stewart Brand and Mark Z. Jacobson square off over the pros and cons. A discussion that'll make you think -- and might even change your mind.

What if we took out more greenhouse gases than we put into the atmosphere? This hypothetical scenario, known as "drawdown," is our only hope of averting climate disaster, says strategist Chad Frischmann. In a forward-thinking talk, he shares solutions to climate change that exist today -- conventional tactics like the use of renewable energy and better land management as well as some lesser-known approaches, like changes to food production, better family planning and the education of girls. Learn more about how we can reverse global warming and create a world where regeneration, not destruction, is the rule.

Climate change is real, case closed. But there's still a lot we don't understand about it, and the more we know the better chance we have to slow it down. One still-unknown factor: How might clouds play a part? There's a small hope that they could buy us some time to fix things ... or they could make global warming worse. Climate scientist Kate Marvel takes us through the science of clouds and what it might take for Earth to break its own fever. Check out more TED talks:

Life on Earth as Exobiology and the Persistence of Advanced Technological Societies.

Carl Sagan lecture, 2018 AGU Fall Meeting

"But, there is good news. Ten percent of the big fish still remain." This is sad.

Legendary ocean researcher Sylvia Earle shares astonishing images of the ocean -- and shocking stats about its rapid decline -- as she makes her TED Prize wish: that we will join her in protecting the vital blue heart of the planet.

The Other Inconvenient Truth: How Agriculture is Changing the Face of Our Planet


We typically think of climate change as the biggest environmental issue we face today. But maybe it's not? In this presentation, Jonathan Foley shows how agriculture and land use are maybe a bigger culprit in the global environment, and could grow even larger as we look to feed over 9 billion people in the future.


Abbiamo esaurito tutte le nostre risorse? Abbiamo riempito tutto lo spazio vivibile sulla Terra? Paul Gilding ci suggerisce di avere, e la possibilità di conseguenze devastanti, in un discorso che è in parti uguali terrificante e, stranamente, pieno di speranza.

Parla di Paul Gilding.

Grazie a Earth Charter International.


Avviso: questo video inizia con immagini disturbanti che potresti voler saltare. In esso troverai vari esempi di altruismo efficace e poche organizzazioni che già lavorano nel campo.

Se sei abbastanza fortunato da vivere senza desideri, è un impulso naturale aiutare gli altri bisognosi. Ma, chiede il filosofo Peter Singer, qual è il modo più efficace per dare carità? Parla attraverso alcuni esperimenti di pensiero sorprendenti per aiutarti a bilanciare emozione e praticità - e ottenere il massimo impatto con qualsiasi cosa tu possa condividere.

As the world faces recession, climate change, inequity and more, Tim Jackson delivers a piercing challenge to established economic principles, explaining how we might stop feeding the crises and start investing in our future.


In un breve, divertente discorso pieno di informazioni al TED U, Catherine Mohr attraversa tutte le decisioni geniali che ha preso quando ha costruito una nuova casa verde - guardando i numeri di energia reale, non il clamore. Quali sono le scelte più importanti?

Non quelli che pensi.


Rob Hopkins ci ricorda che l'olio dal quale dipende il nostro mondo sta progressivamente esaurendosi. Propone una soluzione unica a questo problema - la risposta alla Transizione, in cui ci prepariamo per la vita senza petrolio e sacrifichiamo i nostri lussi per costruire sistemi e comunità completamente indipendenti dai combustibili fossili.

La crescita umana ha messo a dura prova le risorse della Terra, ma come ci ricorda Johan Rockstrom, i nostri progressi ci forniscono anche la scienza per riconoscerlo e cambiare comportamento. La sua ricerca ha trovato nove "confini planetari" che possono guidarci nella protezione dei numerosi ecosistemi sovrapposti del nostro pianeta.


Nella sua presentazione, Bea condivide le sue tribolazioni e i suoi segreti per ottenere Rifiuti Zero. Copre l'importanza di applicare i suoi 5R in ordine (Rifiuta, Ridurre, Riutilizzare, Riciclare, Rotolare) e distrugge idee sbagliate, dimostrando che lo stile di vita Rifiuti Zero non solo può essere "elegante", ma comporta anche significativi benefici per la salute e tempo e risparmio di denaro. Porta un tema intimidatorio su una scala gestibile, dando una prospettiva unica e rendendo lo Spreco zero meno scoraggiante. Bea parla del suo stile di vita con passione e fornisce molte soluzioni pratiche per vivere semplicemente e ridurre gli sprechi, ma soprattutto, trovare la felicità nella nostra società consumistica.

“The tragedy of climate change is that we can solve it.”

Ferocious tale of what's the situation with #climatechange and where the humanity is heading made by Dr. James E. Hansen.

James Hansen tells the story of his involvement in the science of and debate over global climate change. In doing so he outlines the overwhelming evidence that change is happening and why that makes him deeply worried about the future.

Have you heard of a trees that migrate underground or a forest consisting of only one tree? How old are the oldest plants?

Our Planet is amazing. Enjoy this planetary promenade.

Rachel Sussman shows photographs of the world's oldest continuously living organisms -- from 2,000-year-old brain coral off Tobago's coast to an "underground forest" in South Africa that has lived since before the dawn of agriculture.

Amazing history of life on Earth... in photos.

In this stunning slideshow, celebrated nature photographer Frans Lanting presents The LIFE Project, a poetic collection of photographs that tell the story of our planet, from its eruptive beginnings to its present diversity. Soundtrack by Philip Glass.

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